About Hollywood Shutterbugs

We live in the Hollywood Hills and are eager to share our photo opp sites.
Hollywood Shutterbugs has written 3 articles so far, you can find them below.

Welcome To Bronson Park and the Caves

Drive up Canyon Drive from Franklin. Continue on up through the gates that take you to Bronson Canyon Park. On your right is a tot lot installed by the partnership between The Oaks Association and the City of Los Angeles to provide a safe place for small children. This park added to the picnic area […]

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Welcome to Ferndell Park

Don't Smoke in Griffith Park

This poster is on the left as you drive up into Ferndell Park. But let’s go back to the beginning of this journey to Ferndell Park. From Franklin at Western Ave., turn left (north) and follow Los Feliz from the left lane of traffic.  Drive up Western – stay in the left lane and get […]

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Mt. Hollywood Drive Hike

View from end of deer trail

Take a shot from the end of the deer trail.  To get this wonderful shot of the Hollywood Sign, you’ll have to hike for a few minutes on a deer trail. Not all can do this and large groups of people might not want to chance it. Those who cannot hike, should choose the Bronson […]

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