This is a fascinating walk through the history of the Hollywood Sign. Enjoy!
This is a fascinating walk through the history of the Hollywood Sign. Enjoy!
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It was history lore in my family that my Dad, George Stampke, was one of the men who erected the original Hollywoodland sign in 1923. Is there any way to verify this & see any photos of the sign erection that could show him working on it? Dad died in 1994 & all other family who would have known about it are also dead. He was living & working in construction in the area then. I would appreciate any info I can get on this. Thank you, Kathy Watson, Medford, OR.
Hollywood Heritage owns an archive from Hollywoodland and a lot of newspaper clippings from Bruce Torrence. You could try calling the Hollywood Heritage Barn (323) 874-2276 and asking for George Kiel.
You might be better off contacting the main branch of the LA Public Library and asking their Research Service to check. It used to cost $5.95; I have no idea what it is today.